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What TINGET autoclaves provide in laboratory use

TINGET autoclave for the modern laboratory, the pharmaceutical and food industry as well as for special application. Innovations for safe, accurate, reproducible and validatable sterilization in research and industry. Glassware, instruments & apparatus sterilization Standard use of autoclave with option of vacuum drying which allows loads to be removed 'dry' without operator intervention Media preparation The following options are recommended for effective media preparation with reduced cycle times: freesteaming (improved temperature distribution); accelerated cooling (extra loads per day); media warming (when cycle finishes media is kept at 40oC, handy for overnight cycles); performance testing Fluid and diluent sterilisation TINGET autoclaves recommend the following options for effective fluid sterilization: load sensed process timing (guaranteed sterilizing times as cycle does not start until probe placed in centre of load reaches cycle temperature); accelerated cooling (extra loads per day) Waste sterilization The greatest difficulty with some waste loads is achieving adequate load steam penetration especially where there are large volumes of air (petri dishes, porous loads, etc.) and/or large quantities of insulating plastic materials. The following options are recommended: freesteaming (improved temperature distribution); pulsed freesteaming (improved steam penetration); accelerated cooling (more loads per day); pre-cycle vacuum (excellent air removal in conjunction with pulsed freesteaming); vacuum cooling cycle (even faster cycles); performance testing Porous loads (e.g. textiles) sterilization The key requirements are good steam penetration and effective drying. The following options are strongly recommended: pulsed freesteaming (improved steam penetration) in conjunction with pre-cycle vacuum for effective air removal; vacuum drying (essential for load to be removed 'dry' at the end of the cycle)